Additionally, when it comes to exporting options, you can specify the image size, keep aspect ratio, and publish the picture on the official website of the utility, provided that you have an account. Last but not least, you can use a brush, pick the brush size, and save the edited image to JPG file format. What’s more, you are allowed to zoom in or out, switch to a full screen mode for a better focus on your work, and undo your actions. It offers support for the JPEG or PNG file format, and lets you select between various special effects, such as Blur, Grayscale, Invert, Mosaic, Red, Blue, or Green. The program gives you the possibility to upload files in the working environment using the built-in browse function, so you cannot rely on “drag and drop” operations. The layout is intuitive enough to be configured without having to consult a help manual or watch online tutorials. Free Color Splash Maker is a lightweight software application built specifically for helping you enhance the quality of your images by applying various special effects.